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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2011 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Margot Hall. ABSENT: Mary Fellows.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan.

Public Participation. No public was present.

Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion of Mrs. Smith, the minutes of the regular meeting of January 11, 2011 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney reported that the Chamber of Commerce is still looking for a lease. Mrs. Pierce will continue with Mrs. Fellows’ work on this matter. The Borough also has not yet received their lease. Mrs. Motyka said that the original leases should be in the Manager’s office; Mr. Mahoney said that their office does have the Parent Connection lease only. Mrs. Pierce will follow up with the Borough lease also. Mr. Mahoney said that the Chamber of Commerce also wants to put up their sign. Mr. Mahoney advised them to go to the Borough but they said that they will go to the First Selectman. Mr. Mahoney suggested that all the signs be uniform. The Board will establish a policy. Mr. Mahoney said that the theater lost about two weeks because of the weather. The building passed the inspections by the Fire Marshal but he is still concerned about the fact that the material in the dressing rooms downstairs is not fire retardant. Mrs. Pierce will follow up.  

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan reported that the chemicals and transformer were put in the boiler and it is working fine. The first floor foyer near the elevator had a leak because of the ice. He removed all the icicles on the building. Steven has resigned and will begin a new job in Virginia on February 28. Mrs. Motyka will write a letter to him on behalf of the Board of Managers commending and thanking him for his work here.

Chairman’s Report. Mr. Juliano said that Mrs. Fellows told him that all of the cuts are in the pantry so that the BTU’s can now be determined for the stove and for air conditioning. Mr. Kathan said that renters are complaining that the kitchen is too hot. Mr. Juliano said that probably exhaust rather than air conditioning is needed. This will be looked into before air conditioning is considered.  Mr. Juliano will obtain a price for ductless units for air conditioning. He will call the chemical company in New Jersey to ask why the chemicals have not been received as promised. Stuart Hall is working on the cupola. It is not as much a structural problem as we had thought. Mr. Hall is looking into gilding the dome. The two boilers are now running and should be good for a few more years. The Capital Improvement Plan request of $170,000 was approved by the Board of Selectmen. DeMarco Management is doing a good job of having the snow removed from the sidewalk.

Report from Mary Hawley Society.  Mrs. Motyka said that the Society would put $10,000 towards a project at the Edmond Town Hall.

Energy Grant. Mrs. Motyka will ask the person interested in doing the audit to talk to Mr. Juliano. Mrs. Pierce asked if the kitchen cooling could be included and Mr. Juliano felt that it could. Mrs. Smith will talk to someone that she knows who does grant writing.   

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Motyka moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $13,222.01  pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business. Mrs. Pierce will talk to Dan Cruson about his computer needs. Mrs. Pierce asked if the person who is doing a concert in June to benefit the Edmond Town Hall has contacted Mr. Mahoney further about the arrangements. Mr. Mahoney will invite him to the next meeting or meet him at his convenience. Mrs. Smith asked about an email Mrs. Fellows sent about obtaining at no cost seats for the theater balcony. Mr. Mahoney said that the balcony seats are the original seats. Mrs. Pierce suggested putting some of those seats in the dressing rooms because they are fire proof. Mrs. Motyka moved that Mrs. Fellows put in a request for the Board of Managers for twelve seats. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Comments around the Table. Mr. Mahoney reported that the Superintendent of Schools will pay for the rental of the rooms for the seminars. Mrs. Motyka reminded the Board to think of how to use the $10,000 from the Mary Hawley Society.

Possible Executive Session. Upon motion of Mrs. Motyka, executive session was entered at 7:10 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk

Please add the following to the minutes of 2-8-11, Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers:

At 7:10, Karen Pierce moved that the Board enter executive session; seconded by Ms. Smith. Vote: Unanimous.

At 7:32, Ms. Smith moved to exit Executive session; seconded by Ms. Pierce.  Vote: Unanimous. No action was taken.

One comment from the Board was made to Mr. Mahoney. He was thanked for the very popular wildlife program on Owls that he scheduled to accompany the movie on owls. It received nice press coverage.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra R. Motyka